Ways To Tell If You Need To Pump Your Septic Tank

It's important to be aware of signs that your septic tank is full so that you can clean out the material and check that all of the system's components are working correctly. Regular septic system maintenance services can help prevent costly repairs by noticing issues with the septic system like cracks or holes before they become a major problem.

Slow Drainage

You'll know it's time to have your septic tank pumped when it's draining slower than it usually does. This can happen when the septic system is completely filled with material, or when the septic system has begun to fail and isn't able to drain completely. It's a good idea to have your septic tank pumped when you notice it's draining slower than usual. This will help prevent further issues with the septic system and will give you an opportunity to have the system inspected so that you can figure out what to do.

Healthy Lawn

Signs that your septic system needs to be pumped out can also be caused by healthy grass around your septic tank. Leaky septic tanks provide fertilizer to the grass and plants around them, encouraging them to grow and resulting in a lush lawn and odor. If your grass looks very healthy, has a strong odor, or is growing where it shouldn't, you may want to have septic tank pumping done so that you can get it cleaned out and inspected.

Stagnant Water

You'll also know it's time to have your septic tank pumped when you start to notice standing water on your property. Once a septic tank gets full, water will collect around and inside the tank, around the places the pipes pass through, along with the drain field. This is a clear sign that your septic tank needs to be pumped, and it's best to have it pumped out as quickly as possible. You'll also be able to find the exact location of leaks in the system, which can help you fix them and prevent further issues.

The best way to keep your septic system in good working order is to schedule a septic system maintenance service on a regular basis. This will allow you to catch issues before they become a major problem, which will save you a lot of money and prevent a lot of headaches. You should also pay attention to the signs that your septic tank needs to be pumped to give you an opportunity to have the system inspected so that you can identify and fix any issues. When you notice that your septic system is draining slower than usual, or when you start to notice stagnant water on the property, it's a good idea to have your septic tank pumped out so that you can ensure that everything is working correctly. Contact your local septic service for more information about how you can keep your septic system properly maintained.
